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Busy Busy Day

24 Aug

Oi…today has been a busy and hectic day. I was up early and got an early start on my preparations for Anime St. George 2011. I had a mess of paper work that I needed to fill out and get sent in, fires to put out and event schedules to confirm. Thankfully, the shitload of FUNimation anime I ordered from Right Stuf came in a day early so I’m happy. 😀 I also plan on vegetating in front of my TV and DVD player for the rest of the day so my brain doesn’t explode from work.

As for OkamiCon, it seems we are slowly starting to build a following on Twitter and here on the Blog.  Unfortunately, Facebook is a little harder to build a following on account I think the bulk of my friends are still a little pissy* that one of my past events Anime Bonanza will not be returning for a second year. Reno, NV is simply too far for me to drive from Southern Utah, thus the creation of OkamiCon Utah to take the place of Anime Bonanza a little closer to home. I already have a date in mind for the event and I’m going to start calling around in the next few weeks to see if I can find an appropriate venue. Cedar City doesn’t offer a lot as far as venue space but there are a few promising prospects so I’m sure we will find a home to plant our roots. I also hope to get a website for OkamiCon up in the next few weeks as well but until then, the pages here on the blog will help serve as a primary source of event information until I can start setting solid dates, times and venues.

Well, I’m off for now to start mellowing with my complete series of Fullmetal Alchemist and Gun x Sword. Until next time!



*Either that or they just don’t pay any attention to invite requests. =_=